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Identifying Petrified Wood: Tips and Tricks

POSTED ON JAN 19, 2024

petrified wood

Have you ever seen a unique- looking rock in the forest or somewhere in your locality? That might be a petrified wood! This blog will provide you an insight about petrified wood and this might be the start of your fascination with petrified wood. Moreover, we will be providing information on how to identify petrified wood and why it is worth collecting.

What is Petrified Wood in a Nutshell?

Petrified wood is a fossilized wood that has been transformed into a stone for a very long time. When a fallen part of a tree falls or has been torn, it will be exposed to minerals which will replace its original organic matter. The minerals which will replace them will be more durable. Its transformation for years will alter its structure and at the same time, create a stunning and aesthetic fossilized part of the tree such as trunk and branch.

Where to find Petrified Wood?

petrified wood

You can find petrified wood anywhere, but it is commonly found in dry desert areas like in the Western United States, Australia, Argentina, and India. It is not that hard to find one especially when you are looking at the right places. 

Uses of Petrified Wood

Petrified wood has a wide range of uses. It can be used as a decorative item for homes. You can place it on countertops, tables, chairs, and fireplaces. It can also be used as an element in landscaping. Generally, it projects a calm ambiance when used as a decorative item.  

Aside from being a decorative item, it can be used as an industrial material such as sandblasting or grinding wheels and abrasive media that is used for industrial machinery. It can also be used as jewelry and for centuries, petrified wood serves as a raw material for jewelry.

Petrified wood has a spiritual use as well. For instance, it is believed to bring energy and protection from negative spirits in our environment. In fact, petrified wood in Feng Shui brings stability, balance, and calm to the space, making petrified wood a powerful element to this spiritual belief. 

Finding Petrified Wood Tips and Tricks

petrified wood

One of the best places to look for petrified wood is at fossil shows. This is a good place to look for petrified wood either you are selling or collecting because these shows are full of sellers who are knowledgeable about petrified wood and they can help you with your concerns. 

There are also online sources where you can find one that also offers petrified wood. Make sure to research first about the online shop and the sellers in order to secure authenticity. But keep in mind the cost of petrified wood as it varies depending on its size, weight, quality and rarity. 

However if you are flexible enough to find your own petrified wood, you can also look for one. You can also buy the whole land in order to have the right to obtain petrified wood in that area.

Identifying Petrified Wood Tips and Tricks

The main question is how are we going to identify a petrified wood in a forest full of materials that look like petrified wood? Below are the tips on how to identify a petrified wood:

1. Beware of Colors

Petrified wood is usually colored black, gray, white, brown, red, pink, and yellow. These have distinct features so look closely with the patterns of the colors.

2. Examine the texture

Petrified wood are glassy and smooth compared to other types of rock that are mostly hard or rougher. 

3. Check evidences of its origin

Since it has been transforming for a long time, you might want to check the evidence for its origin that can be seen with its shape and texture. Check for bark as well as it can be preserved through its fossilization process. 

4. Test 

Petrified wood is not so acidic unlike other rocks so you can use vinegar or lemon juice to test it so that you’ll know if it is indeed a petrified wood or not. 

Read more: Differences between Driftwood and Petrified Wood


Finding a petrified wood in the forest is challenging and requires a person to have a keen observation. With the tips provided, it is possible to find petrified wood easily. You may be a collector or seller of petrified wood but above all we must appreciate the beauty of this rock. 


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